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Online Prayer Group

Writer: Richard RamirezRichard Ramirez

What is an Online Prayer Group?

First, we need to know what is Prayer.

Prayer is not a ritual that depends on closing our eyes and putting on a holy face. Sitting or kneeling down isn't a requirement. We can pray on our own while walking, driving, or working. God responds to a two-word cry for help in the middle of our pandemic, just like He does to a focused prayer time after reading Scripture in the morning. Praying doesn’t have to be complicated, it should flow easily. God delights in any simple words we offer Him.


“Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night.”

- George Herbert -


With this global crisis, the church had to adapt. Prayer night has always been at the core of our weekly services. As it should be in every Christian's life. But what do you do during an outbreak with the church doors close on prayer night? How do you pray for others? More importantly, how do you stay connected to the Family of Christ in these times?

“Prayer is the nearest approach to God.” - William Law -

My friend and sister in Christ, Ana O. sent me an invitation to join a prayer group meeting last night. She set everything through, and I was well pleased to be apart of it. I along with other members of the church gathered online prayed. It amazes me that in a moment of chaos, crisis, and pandemic, the church perseveres and comes together in unity and prayer. We presented our petitions, one by one and prayed. It was moving, wonderful, and great. I thought to myself "what about the other churches?" and realized this is something to share in a blog.

“When you feel like worrying, try praying instead. Worrying only creates more stress, but prayer creates more peace. God is bigger than whatever is stressing you out.” - Dave Willis -

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