Now in our days, everyone is a graphic designer. With easy to use programs like canva, placeit, word swag, and many more, it becomes hard to make a name for yourself. I've been designing for a little over 10 years and have learned a thing or two. And continue educating myself on a daily basis. Whether it's Youtube or Skillshare, I'm always looking for ways to add value to everything.
"Always look for ways to add value in everything"
I've been asked some very tough questions in my field. And it's understandable. I mean, I am being trusted with conveying their message or brand identity. Remember just as they have an image to represent, so do I. When I'm asked: "How do you base your price for designing?" I respectfully and in a professional matter reply with: "The price is base on a college education, years of experience, along with hours educating myself."
This answer, along with my portfolio in most cases helps. However, I recommend you gather as much information about your client as possible. I'm always cautious with who I do business with. There are some companies who really don't care whether or not you're a good fit for them.
I once went on a job interview that was too good to be true. I was desperate for cash. The add stated: Part-time Customer service position available, Graphic design experience preferred. Monday - Friday mornings. I thought it was a great opportunity for me. I emailed them my resume and they replied very quickly. Excited, I agree on a time and date for an interview. After the interview was over, I felt so frustrated and offended. The company didn't care to read my resume carefully. In my resume, it states that I am a Christian graphic designer. However, the job was designing Pornographic DVD covers. Obviously I didn't take the job. However, I learned from the experience, and always do my research.
Earlier I stated:
"I'm always looking for ways to add value"
It's easy to just take on a gig when you need cash, however, adding value is beneficial for you as you build a name for yourself. Having something in common, or sharing the same interest is a good place to start. For example I identify myself as a Christian graphic designer. So my target audience or clients are usually Christians. But I don't just limit myself to Christians, I also do work for clients trying to do something positive for the environment or positive development for themselves. I try to see how they can benefit from my life experiences, yet also learn from them. This is what I mean by "Adding value"
I hope this article was helpful and pray you gain some value from it. Thank you for reading my friends. God bless!
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