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Choose to see COVID-19 as a Blessing

Writer's picture: Richard RamirezRichard Ramirez

It is understandably clear that we are living in a very historic time right now. COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has made its way to every country in the world, and places like China, Italy, and here in the US, have truly been hit with skyrocketing numbers. We are all scurrying around trying to figure out what is going to happen, we are planning long term and our lives as we know are changing rapidly.

With that being said, I choose to see these tough times as a blessing in my life. And I choose it for so many reasons. There are many others, including yourself, the one reading this blog right now, who can see this as a blessing as well. Let’s begin.



One of the first things I’ve realized is that I immediately began to take better care of myself. I started researching different remedies that boost my immune system. I’ve been trying to get in more vegetables and fruits, and just overall be more health-conscious. Unfortunately, for many health is in the back burner. Our lives are too busy, we are constantly on the go, and we don’t have time to sit down and meal plan, enjoy a walk, or even time to nourish our bodies with powerful nutrients.

With the coronavirus moving rapidly, it's clear our health is at risk. This virus is no fun to catch, and it can be fatal, in particular, for those who are older. Those who have pre-existing medical conditions, and/or those whose immune system is weak. Although the likely hood of fatality from the virus is incredibly low,  and a large percentage of the population will be perfectly fine recovering in the comfort of their own home, still some will have more of a struggle which is why it is important to stay home, and for everyone to stay to themselves. Using the 6FT rule.

Due to the fact that our health is at risk, taking better care of our bodies is so much more important. Therefore, I choose to see this virus as a blessing, as it is making more and more people aware of their bodies, and how important it is to be or stay healthy and to take better care of ourselves. Below is a list of few ways to start taking better care of yourself:

  • Take vitamins (multivitamin, oil of oregano, turmeric, etc.)

  • If you can, get outside (go for a walk, hike, run, bike ride, garden, read a book outside)

    • Get lots of sunlight on your skin.

  • Load up on fruits and vegetables (these are natural immune booster)  

  • Make sure your body is clean (wash hands thoroughly, as well shower)


Getting things Done:

This is a huge one. I've heard many complain about lack of time. I've worked a 9-5 job before, and by the time I got home, I had no motivation and felt like I had no time to get anything done before bed. Good news, with these weeks off from work, I'd like to take it as a blessing from God. We pray and ask about this for so long, and now God has given us all the time in the world to do things we’ve been passionate about or put off.

Many have re-launched their YouTube channel and showcased their best work (Check out my channel). And that's awesome. I'm focusing on my blog and artwork more. There are so many things I’ve wanted to do and write about. Now, I have more than enough time to do all I need to! Below is a list of ideas you can do while staying at home:

  • Start a new project

  • Declutter your home, room by room, closet by closet

  • Read that book you’ve been putting off

  • Write that book you’ve been putting off

  • Launch a website

  • Start or pick up a new hobby/craft

  • Brainstorm business ideas.

  • Here's a list of 42 creative habits to explore

Order yours today!

Quality Time:

At first, I didn't look at it this way. One of the last areas in which I chose to view this entire virus as a blessing, is in the quality time we can have with our family. My mom and Sister are both working from home. And it has been a blessing to have them home. I understand some are less fortunate, to have there loves close. There is a lot of devastation amongst thousands of families, as many have lost loved ones. However, for some, this pandemic has given us time with our loved ones, we normally wouldn’t ever have. Families are forced to be home together, and individuals are now given the opportunity to make their house a home.

I urge you to use this time to your advantage. Have family game night as a family/couple, have a movie night, there are so many options. But also take time out to Pray together. This can be the start of something incredible if you allow it to be. If you take advantage of it.


Connect with Social Media:

As well as, Spending quality time with the family. We should also take this time to show love to one another, not just your family and friends, but everyone. People are living in deep fear right now, they need to feel that love and connection to others. Use this time to spread love, and concern to others. Pray for others. We can use this world-wide pandemic as an opportunity to connect on a global standpoint. We can’t waste this opportunity, as this doesn’t happen often—where the entire world and every person in it, is directly affected by the same issue.

I believe this by far is the biggest blessing out of everything that this pandemic has caused. An opportunity for us to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must understand, this is all much bigger than me, and you. Jesus didn't just die on the cross for me, you, or your family. He died for the entire human race. People are eager to find comfort, they are desperate for reassurance, and they are willing to listen, and learn. This is the time to do God’s work, now more than ever. Spread love, show the character of Christ, shine His light, and use the many platforms, we all have to help the world. Most importantly, show the world that although this is scary and too many, confusing, God is in control.

Stay hopeful, faithful, and trusting in God. Everything will be okay. God is in control. And to Him, I give all the Glory!!


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