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5 Impactful Books {By Max Lucado}

Writer: Richard RamirezRichard Ramirez

Updated: Jan 13, 2020

5 Impactful Books {By Max Lucado}

Once I finally made my decision to follow Jesus Christ, I began reading a lot. I read blogs, articles, and many books. In this article, I'll share with you 5 impactful books by Max Lucado. These books have allowed me to see God's love and forgiveness much more clearly while living in his grace. My relationship with God has deepened richly and has inspired me to write. Hopefully, these books impact your lives as they did mines.

#1 - One of the most important impactful books, The Bible

One of the most important impactful books to have is the Bible. It is the source for all other books. I always have my Bible ready when I'm reading any book. From beginning to end, the Bible is full of stories of exemplary faith and gives us hope. While demonstrating True love. God's love! Without the Bible, no other book can exist.

It took me a long time to start this book, but when I did. It was well worth it. I couldn't put the book down. Max Lucado puts so much focus on the 26-word verse. A bible verse so well memorized, yet few are able to extract its meaning. Max does a wonderful job at it. If you want to learn more about God's love, read this book. "Twenty-six word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. Brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment, yet solid enough to weather two thousand years of storms and questions. If you know nothing of the Bible, start here. If you know everything in the Bible, return here. We all need the reminder. The heart of the human problem is the heart of the human. And God's treatment is prescribed in John 3:16:For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.He loves. He gave. We believe. We live.Believers and seekers alike have flocked to this hope and continue to share this message with those they love."

Now, this is more like a booklet, however, it's full of so much information. I was done with this book in a few hours. In fact, I re-read it just so I can grasp as much as I can. A great book to read on those train rides or a Saturday afternoon. You'll definitely learn something within theses 3 chapters. "A perfect pass-along companion to GRACE, Shaped by Grace introduces readers to a message that is more than we deserve, greater than we imagine. Including a clear presentation of the Gospel message, this booklet offers the perfect starting point on a lifetime of grace discovery."

With the use of short stories and brief testimonies, Max Lucado does an amazing job reminding us of the Second Chances God has given us. I did gain a lot of insight from reading this book. In each chapter, I was left with a moment of reflection. A moment to search deep in my soul and question myself and thank God for a second chance. This book was a blessing."We humans are prone to failure. We’re experts at muddying, mixing, and messing up our lives. Who among us hasn’t looked up from the bottom of a pit and realized he dug it himself? Who hasn’t fallen so far, messed up so badly that she thought there was no hope? And it’s at these low points that we crave reminders that there’s hope for the broken.No reminder is quite as poignant as a story of second chances. A story of grace in action. Who couldn’t use more stories of grace like this?Second Chances releases just in time for Easter promotions and is an ideal companion to GRACE: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine. Filled with biblical, contemporary, and imaginative accounts of God’s grace in action pulled from Max’s previously published works, Second Chances includes tales of second chances for the rebellious, prideful, failure-prone, and more. From Peter to King David to a prodigal daughter, these stories will remind readers of the magnitude of the gospel of second chances."

I'm currently in the middle of this book, and it's such a blessing. With life being difficult at times, reading this book is a reminder, that there's more to my story. Especially when I'm contemplating my current situation, after reading a couple of pages I feel encouraged, inspired and motivated to write my story. This book is a good pick me upper.

"Car pools and car crashes. Job changes and joint custody. Life can feel overwhelming and inconsequential."

But bestselling author Max Lucado says there’s more to your story than the chaos, confusion, and clutter of daily life.Your life is a crafted narrative written by a great God, who is working toward your supreme good. Join Max on a journey through the great promises of the New Testament and discover your place in God’s plan. Everything changes when you see how your story fits with God’s story.This product features the complete book and study guide, which were previously published under the title God’s Story, Your Story. The More to Your Story eBook does not include the video sessions, which are available for purchase separately."


These 5 impactful books have truly been a blessing in my life, and I pray they are for yours. Start off with "Shaped By Grace". It's a quick read that allows you to get a taste of His other books. Max's style of writing is very genie and easy to understand. He does an excellent job using the Bible to support his books.Always remember to have your Bible ready for cross-reference. The Bible should always be the backbone for all Christian books.


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